Submaximal Aerobic Capacity Testing

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Definition - What does Submaximal Aerobic Capacity Testing mean?

Submaximal aerobic capacity testing is a clinical procedure designed to assess an individual’s aerobic fitness level following an estimated percentage of the maximal heart rate necessary to sustain workload performance on a graduated scale. A medical practitioner employs the use of a bicycle ergometer that provides biofeedback from the test subject, monitoring physiological variables including relative heart rate and oxygen consumption to establish independent values against baseline norms.

SureHire explains Submaximal Aerobic Capacity Testing

Cardiovascular fitness remains a mainstay for determining the overall health patterns that influence people’s ability to handle and withstand physical job demands. Submaximal aerobic capacity testing is a definitive measure for benchmarking maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), a principal factor that contributes to the symbiotic relationship between oxygen intake and muscle exertion. When evaluating aerobic fitness, biological and physiological components including age, body composition, environmental conditions, gender, and prescribed medications can influence varying degrees of workload performance.

Many occupations require its workforce to adhere to manual materials handling (MMH) procedures, carrying strict guidelines in which applicants and employees are capable of meeting job demands. Although submaximal aerobic capacity testing is a traditional method used for athletes, it also doubles as an auxiliary criterion for making comparative analyses for workers within demographically separate age groups. Because VO2max levels complement heart rate (HR), submaximal aerobic capacity testing provides an ergonomic barometer in adapting suitable individuals to a workplace environment that does not jeopardize their cardiovascular health.

With an aging workforce and an increasing number of sedentary positions, many individuals are predisposed to epidemiological health risks, including cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, obesity, and stroke. Employers who prioritize cardiovascular fitness, in conjunction with submaximal aerobic capacity testing, can help draw an index in modulating workload parameters around individuals who can meet job performance standards. Given the fact that a high morbidity rate surrounds many CVD-related cases, a health and safety policy that underlines cardiovascular health and fitness as a corporate value can ultimately translate to better productivity while sidestepping liability.

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